Internet shop selling Party decorations

Technology: Prestashop, custom design, mobile responsivity

Project description

Party-Saurus store sells decorations, accessories and costumes for celebrations, anniversaries and parties. The e-shop contains over 5000 products, which we needed to adapt the structure of the whole solution to. When deciding on the platform, we clearly chose Prestashop, which allowed us to categorize the amount of products in the best possible way. Precisely because of the high number of products, it was difficult to design the structure of the e-shop so that the customer would have easy access to the desired goods. In addition to the desktop version, we also needed to focus on developing a special responsive version for mobile phones. Apart from these changes, we had to modify the shopping cart and fine-tune the entire Prestashop shopping process to make it as user friendly as possible. You can see how we managed to make the party store work in the previews below.

Web design

Web design / UI /UX


Customized Prestashop

Nákupný proces

Purchasing process

Mobilná verzia

Mobile version

Thumbnails partysaurus



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